The reactionary character
of the Arroyo regime is more and more exposed amidst the worsening
social crisis, the intensifying popular protests and the deepening
factionalism within the ruling class. The Arroyo regime's reactionary
bent is revealed not just by its implementation of the economic policy
of globalization and its puppetry to the dictates of US imperialism but
by its heightening repression of the popular movement.
Scratch off the veneer of
the strong republic rhetoric and the core of state repression will be
exposed. The ghost of martial law is acquiring real form under GMA's
strong republic. Yet it is not taking the appearance of open fascist
dictatorship but of state repression under democratic garb. The ruling
class and its imperialist boss have learned their lessons well. Open
fascist dictatorship does not quell but rather provoke mass resistance
and popular struggles.
While maintaining the
trappings of democracy, restrictions on civil liberties and political
freedom are being imposed by the Arroyo regime. Under the cover of the
so-called war against terror, counter-insurgency operations in the
countryside are being redoubled, a crackdown on militant unions in the
cities is being posed and a smear campaign by anti-communist groups on
the mass movement is accelerating.
It is only a matter of
time when the Malacanang-sponsored bill on anti-terror--patterned after
the repressive Patriot Act in the US--will be heard on the halls of the
reactionary Congress and put to a vote. In the various versions of the
bill, terror is defined broadly to include the exercise of legitimate
dissent. The anti-terror bill is draconian measure meant to suppress not
so much terrorist groups but revolutionary movements.
Still the open mass
movement and the underground revolutionary groups will not be cowed. The
underground resistance to the Marcos dictatorship survived, grew and
matured to popular revolt under the most severe repression. Fact is, the
revolutionary movement weakened and finally split after the restoration
of elite democracy due to its own weaknesses and mistakes.
But the new revolutionary
movement with the working class at the head, guided by the proletarian
party and steeped in the errors of the past, will defeat the Arroyo
regime's imposition of a strong republic that is no other than state
repression. We call on the militant workers to lead in the formation of
a broad front to resist the strong republic and defend civil liberties.